Article: “Conviviality, Cosmopolitan Citizenship, and Hospitality”

Article (not new but I just came across it): Michelle A. McKinley, Conviviality, Cosmopolitan Citizenship, and Hospitality, 5 Unbound 55 (2009) …

This essay examines the relationship between refugeehood/statelessness and cosmopolitan citizenship. I ask what cosmopolitanism as a normative project contributes to refugee and asylum law that remains unfulfilled bythe current Westphalian system. I use the prism of statelessness to explore the commonalities between cosmopolitanism and nationalism with an emphasis on deterritorialized modes of citizenship. I argue that while citizenship is mostcommonly regarded as a territorially bounded concept, post-colonial citizenships are deterritorialized: maintained through travel, pilgrimage, labor migration, forced upheaval, and complex residential patterns that traverse boundaries. Thus, this essay examines the affective ties of post-colonial, cosmopolitan citizenship and their impacton the policies and practices of international refugee and asylum law.


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