“Access to Justice Symposium,” Univ. of Maine School of Law, Oct. 2, 2009

The University of Maine School of Law is hosting the first Maine Access to Justice Symposium (brochure with schedule here), an event co-sponsored by the Maine Justice Action Group (JAG).  JAG is an organization of leaders from the bench, the bar, state government, and legal services providers, committed to the continuing provision of quality legal aid for low-income Mainers.  The one-day Symposium, entitled “Expanding Justice in Maine: Upstream Solutions to Downstream Problems,” will be held on October 2, 2009, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, on the University of Southern Maine campus in Portland.

Our keynote speaker is Professor Peter Edelman of the Georgetown University Law Center, who has been a national leader on access to justice issues for more than forty years and who currently chairs the District of Columbia Access to Justice Commission.  Other presenters include Professor Susan Bryant of CUNY Law School and Camille Holmes Wood of the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, who will jointly present on “Bringing Racial and Cultural Equity to Access to Justice Initiatives.”  The Symposium will feature workshops with interdisciplinary panels examining innovative upstream initiatives through medical-legal partnerships, foreclosure diversion, affordable housing, and outreach to low-wage workers.

To obtain more information about or to register for the Symposium,  or to download a brochure, please visit the Symposium website: www.mainelaw.maine.edu/news/conferences/justice.

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