An Aside: Time to Clean House at the DNC

This is a personal aside, but given the emails that are now public from the DNC, it is amazing to me that the top officials of the Democratic National Committee have not been fired or forced to resign.  As the N.Y. Times reported, DNC officials actively favored one candidate, and in what seems to me like a clear case of discrimination, whether the law recognizes it or not, attempted to use religious intolerance to support Clinton over Sanders.  At the very least I think Democrats (which I have always been, though this and other moves by the party elite and commentators raise questions in my mind) ought to demand the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, committee chairwoman; Brad Marshall, the chief financial officer of the committee; and Amy Dacey, the committee’s chief executive.  Perhaps demands for such resignations are the best way to respond at this point to the DNC’s constant fear tactic solicitation emails; that or channel such donations to Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s challenger, Tim Canova.

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