New Article: Unmet Legal Needs As Health Injustice

New Article: Yael Cannon, Unmet Legal Needs As Health Injustice, University of Richmond Law Review, Vol. 56, 2022. Abstract below:

In a seminal report in 2006, the American Bar Association recognized that millions of low-income Americans have civil legal issues that go unaddressed, jeopardizing their fundamental and basic human needs for shelter, sustenance, safety, family stability, and access to health care. The pandemic has only exacerbated this crisis. When rights in these areas go unenforced for Americans marginalized by poverty and race, their health can suffer, compounding health inequities. The fundamental civil legal needs of low-income Americans must be addressed in order to ensure health equity. This Article argues that unmet fundamental legal needs serve as determinants of health and health equity, and envisions a role for lawyers in addressing health injustice through a “clients-to-policy” approach.

In Part I, this Article examines the health justice framework through which laws are understood as determinants of health equity. In Part II, this Article argues that when unaddressed for low-income individuals, legal needs serve as social determinants of health. Applying the health justice framework, the Article examines the major domains of social determinants of health (“SDOH”) and identifies areas of law for which unmet legal needs contribute to poor health and health inequity. Specifically, it analyzes how the five major domains of SDOH of the Healthy People 2030 paradigm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) implicate legal issues in the fundamental area of human need identified as critical for access to counsel by the ABA. This Part explores the exacerbation and urgency of these challenges created by the pandemic and examines racial inequities driven by structural racism that create a compounding burden of health disparities for people who are both low-income and people of color. In line with the health justice framework’s exploration of how law can be leveraged to mitigate inequities, Part II concludes by examining how legal representation can address fundamental legal needs that affect health, providing support for access to counsel in these areas.

Finally, in Part III, this Article engages with potential critiques of an emphasis on individual legal representation as a downstream and overly individualistic approach to health justice. This Part addresses these critiques and argues that individual legal representation to enforce extant laws is required for health justice to address the immediate, health-harming legal issues affecting individuals from marginalized communities and improve their health and well-being. However, even though such individual legal advocacy is necessary, it is insufficient. Instead, legal representation should be used as a platform for advocacy in pursuit of structural change through law, policy, and systems reform. This Article proposes a multitiered, integrated clients-to-policy approach for lawyers to facilitate health justice to improve the health of individuals and pursue structural reform to address health equity up-stream.

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