Call-for-Papers: “Poverty Law V: Building Connections”

Call-for-Papers: Poverty Law V: Building Connections.  [PDF of call here: poverty-law-cfp-2024]
Indiana University Maurer School of Law; Bloomington, Indiana; September 12-13, 2024

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for “Poverty Law: Building Connections” to be hosted by Indiana University Maurer School of Law on September 12-13, 2024. This conference is meant to be a gathering, similar to previous poverty law conferences, for all those whose work focuses on poverty, disadvantaged populations,
and inequality. Many of the sessions will include paper presentations, but we will also
have roundtable discussions. Depending on interest, the conference may conclude either the evening of the 13th or the morning of the 14th. There are three main lines to the conference:

1. Building Connections Across Regions, Disciplines, and Domains
2. Teaching Poverty Law
3. Topics in Poverty (subject matter not limited in any way)

View the proposal submission form here.
The submission deadline is June 15, 2023. Please contact Andrew Hammond or Ezra Rosser with any questions at and Please note there is a $100 conference registration fee and presenters are responsible for their own travel expenses. We look forward to seeing you in September!

Andrew Hammond
Ezra Rosser

NOTE: This is a rescheduled conference because we did not realize when we were working on the prior dates that the line of total eclipse passed right through the law school, which drove hotel rates sky high (so to speak). Another such eclipse is not supposed to happen during this rescheduled conference, so we hope you can join us!

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