Extended Deadline: MAPOC 2017, “Legal and Political Change During the Obama Era” WIP Sessions

Upcoming Conference: 22nd Mid-Atlantic People Of Color Legal Scholarship Conference: “Legal and Political Change During the Obama Era” – Friday and Saturday, January 27-28, 2017, George Washington University Law School.  Call for papers below:

On January 20, 2017, the first President of Color, Barack Obama, will conclude his second term.  One week later, scholars, policy-makers, lawyers, activists and law students will convene to reflect upon this historic period in American history.  In particular, on Friday and Saturday, January 27 and 28, 2017, the Mid-Atlantic People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference (MAPOC) will hold a conference, entitled “Legal and Political Change During the Obama Era,” at the George Washington University Law School.  Our goal is to examine and assess shifts in law and policy, at all levels of government, over the past eight years as well as to determine where there has been stasis.  Panels will likely address such topics as Black Lives Matter and other civil rights issues, such as criminal and economic justice, access to voting, and LGBTQ rights, as well as such topics as health insurance and health care, education, housing, immigration and globalization, and the financial implications of the Great Recession.

MAPOC 2017 welcomes Work-In-Progress submissions.  MAPOC’s long-standing work-in-progress (WIP) program is widely known for providing a comfortable and constructive environment in which authors can workshop scholarship at any stage of development to a dedicated discussant and supportive audience.  Please email your WIP abstract (and any questions) to Professor Ezra Rosser at erosser@wcl.american.edu by Dec. 9, 2016, to be included in the WIP program.

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