News Coverage: “Homeless for 9 months with a budget of $1,800, Buena Vista resident navigates the housing crisis”

Ice PondNews Coverage: Amanda Horvath & Alexis Kikoen, Homeless for 9 months with a budget of $1,800, Buena Vista resident navigates the housing crisis, Rocky Mountain PBS, Dec. 16, 2021.

Editor’s Note: This article features a good 10 minute video as well. Buena Vista is my hometown–the closest place of any size to the cabin where I was born and where I still return on vacations. I thought this was a great presentation of small, rural town in transition. My mother is a bus driver in this town and four years ago it was possible to imagine buying her a small apartment or hou

se but the town is in the midst of a radical change that will price residents out of the town. Much of the increase is tied to the rise of Denver and people in Denver and beyond seeking a getaway location. Prior to the inflow of money, Buena Vista was a perfect town with some rough edges–manageable size, close community (they do an annual all town potluck down the main street and host a burro race every year). Now it is in many ways too “perfect” and those who call Buena Vista home and have to work are getting priced out. Anyway, though it is about one small town, I thought the story and video are very well done.

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